

Autor , dne 2. 12. 2009, v kategorii Angličtina

large quantities
They have a lot of money.
She has lots of friends.
He eats a lot.
There aren’t many cafes near here
Do you watch much TV?
Don’t run. We have a plenty of time

  • Use a lot of / lots in + sentences.
  • Use a lot when there is no noun, e.g. He talks a lot.
  • Much / many are normally used in – sentences and ?, but a lot of can also be used.
  • Use plenty of in + sentences to mean as much as we need or more.

small quantities
A Do you want some ice cream?
B Just a little.
The town only has a few cinemas.
Hurry up. We have very little time.
I have very few close friends.

  • Use a little + uncountable nouns, few + plural countable nouns.
  • a little and a few = some, but not a lot,
  • very little and very few = not much / many.

zero quantity
There isn’t any room in the car.
There’s no room in the car.
A How much money do you have?
B None.

  • Use any for zero quantity with a – verb. Use no with a + verb.
  • Use none (without a noun)) in shorts answers.

more that you need or want
I don’t like this city. It’s too big.
There’s too much traffic.
There are too many tourists.
less than you need
There aren’t enough parks.
The buses aren’t frequent enough.

  • Use too + adjective, too much + uncountable noun, too many + plural countable nouns.
  • Use enough before a noun but after an adjective.

few – málo (malý počet), little – málo (malé množství)… bez členu = negativní, je toho nedostatek.
a few – několik, a little – trochu… se členem = pozitivní, trochu máme a stačí nám to.
a lot of / lots of rozdíl jako mezi spousta / spousty


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