

Describing personality

Autor , dne 3. 9. 2010, v kategorii Angličtina

absent-minded – roztržitý
adventurous – dobrodružný
ambitious – ctižádostivý
artistic – umělecký
bigoted – fanatický
bitchy – jízlivý
bossy – panovačný
conceited – domýšlivý
creative – tvůrčí
demanding – náročný
easy-going – pohodový
energic – aktivní
friendly – přátelský
garrulous – ukecaný
generous – šlechetný
gregarious – společenský
honest – čestný
changeable – proměnlivý
charming – okouzlující
cheerful – veselý
impulsive – vznětlivý
independent – samostatný
industrious – pilný
intelectual – vzdělaný
jealous – žárlivý
lazy – líný
mean – lakomý
mood – náladový
obedient – poslušný
obstinate – umíněný
open-minded – objektivní
optimistic – optimistický
pessimistic – skeptiský
popular – oblíbený
punctual – přesný
reliable – spolehlivý
romantic – romantický
selfish – sobecký
sensitive – citlivý
spoilt – zkažený
stoical – klidný
suspicious – podezřívavý
talkative – hovorný
tetchy – podrážděný
timid – plachý
untidy – nedbalý
willing – ochotný
witty – vtipný

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Phrasal Verb

Autor , dne 2. 9. 2010, v kategorii Angličtina

ask for – žádat o (práci) – request to have
break down – pokazit se, rozbít se – stop working
break up – rozejít se, rozpadnout se – finish a relationship, break into many pieces
bring up – vychovat – raise a child
bump into – narazit na někoho – meet by chance
call back – zavolat zpět – return a phonecall
calm down – uklidnit se – stop being angry
carry on – pokračovat – continue
cut down – snížit, omezit – consume less, reduce
do up – zapnout, zavázat – close or fasten clothes, etc.
drop off – vyhodit, hodit – take something or someone to a place and leave it or them there.
eat out – jíst v restaurace – eat in a restaurant
fed up – mít někoho dost – be bored, upset or sick of something
find out – najít, odhalit – discover
get by – vystačit si – have just enough money
get on – nastoupit – step onto a vehicle
get on with – vycházet s někým – have a good relationship
get out – vystoupit z (auta) – leave a place, escape
give away – rozdávat, promartit – distribute something for free, give without asking for
give up – přestat s (kouřením) – surrender, stop trying, stop doing something
go out – jít ven, vyjít – leave a place, be eliminated in a competition
go out with – chodit, randit – have a relationship with
grow up – růst, dospět – become adult, arise
hang on – vydržet – wait, hold tightly
hang up – zavěsit – end a phone call
live off – záviset (přežití) – be financially supported
look forward to – těšit se na – wait for something pleasant
look out – dávat pozor – be careful
make up – líčit se, vymyslet, udobřit – put on cosmetics, invent a story, stop being angry with someone
move back – přistěhovat se zpět, vrátit se
pass away – zemřít – die
pick out – vybrat, vybírat si, rozeznat – choose, identify from a picture
pick up – zvednout (ze země) – collect
plug in – zapojit, strčit – connect machines to the electricity supply
put off – odložit, odradit – postpone
put on – oblíct, obout – start wearing
sell out – vyprodat – have no more of something left because it has been bought
set off – vyrazit (na cestu) – start a journey
set up – založit, vytvořit – start a company, prepare equipment for use
slow down – zpomalit – reduce speed
sort out – roztřídit, vyřešit problém – resolve a problem
speed up – zrychlit – increase speed
switch off – vypnout – stop the energy flow, turn off
switch on – zapnout – start the energy flow, turn on
take back – vzít zpět – retract a statement, admit that something was wrong
take off – svléknout, vzlétnout – remove (clothes), when a plane departs
take out – vzít někoho ven, vybírat (peníze) – go out socially with someone, borrow money from a bank
take up – přijmout, projednávat, začít (s koníčkem, sportem) – start a new hobby
throw away – zahodit, odmítnout – discard something when no longer needed
turn down – zeslabit, odmítnout – reduce volume, temperature, etc., reject an offer, invitation, etc.
turn off – vypnout – stop a machine
turn on – zapnout – start a machine
turn up – zeslabit, objevit se – increase volume, temperature, etc., appear
warm up – ohřát, rozehřát se – do exercises before a sport

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Autor , dne 17. 3. 2010, v kategorii Angličtina

Po najetí na slovíčko se objeví český překlad 🙂

accountant , actor , chef , conductor , contract , electrician , experience , fixed hours , full-time , in charge of , lawyer , librarian , part-time , permanent , plumber , psychologist , qualifications , resign , responsible (for) , retire , scientist , self-employed , temporary , training course , working hours

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Slow down, you move too fast

Autor , dne 10. 12. 2009, v kategorii Angličtina

Po najetí myškou na slovíčko se objeví český překlad 🙂

abroad, aim, all right, balance, ban, be about, benefit, celebrate, counter-revolution, delighted, encourage, flavour, found, fridge, global, government, gym, hardly ever, increase, instead, keep fit, laugh, lively, mass-produced, mayor, meditation, organic, plant, pleasure, promote, propose, protect, recently, reduce,remind, resident, rule, salary, satisfying, see friends, similar, succeed, survive, tip, tough, tragic, trainers, unemployment, value, wildlife

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Autor , dne 2. 12. 2009, v kategorii Angličtina

large quantities
They have a lot of money.
She has lots of friends.
He eats a lot.
There aren’t many cafes near here
Do you watch much TV?
Don’t run. We have a plenty of time

  • Use a lot of / lots in + sentences.
  • Use a lot when there is no noun, e.g. He talks a lot.
  • Much / many are normally used in – sentences and ?, but a lot of can also be used.
  • Use plenty of in + sentences to mean as much as we need or more.

small quantities
A Do you want some ice cream?
B Just a little.
The town only has a few cinemas.
Hurry up. We have very little time.
I have very few close friends.

  • Use a little + uncountable nouns, few + plural countable nouns.
  • a little and a few = some, but not a lot,
  • very little and very few = not much / many.

zero quantity
There isn’t any room in the car.
There’s no room in the car.
A How much money do you have?
B None.

  • Use any for zero quantity with a – verb. Use no with a + verb.
  • Use none (without a noun)) in shorts answers.

more that you need or want
I don’t like this city. It’s too big.
There’s too much traffic.
There are too many tourists.
less than you need
There aren’t enough parks.
The buses aren’t frequent enough.

  • Use too + adjective, too much + uncountable noun, too many + plural countable nouns.
  • Use enough before a noun but after an adjective.

few – málo (malý počet), little – málo (malé množství)… bez členu = negativní, je toho nedostatek.
a few – několik, a little – trochu… se členem = pozitivní, trochu máme a stačí nám to.
a lot of / lots of rozdíl jako mezi spousta / spousty

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Autor , dne 11. 11. 2009, v kategorii Angličtina

argue, break up (with sb), classmates, close, coffee break, colleague, coma, comb, contact (sb), convent, conventional, directory, fall in love (with), friendship, have (sth) in common, in search of, intense, intimate, keep in touch (with), know, lose touch (with), make an excuse, meet, member, promise, real, realize, rebel, recognize, register, reveal, reunion, sip, socialize, strands, success, superficial, take place, tend to, useful, web page

get in touch with
get on with
get on well (with)
get rid of
get to know

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Autor , dne 7. 10. 2009, v kategorii Angličtina

Types of houses

block of flats
detached house
terraced house

Where people live

I live in the country. There are fields and trees all around me.
I live in the city center. It’s right in the middle of the city.
I live in the suburbs. It’s area outside the central part of town.
I live in a village. It’s very small, with only 800 inhabitants.
I live in a small town. It has 20.000 inhabitants.
I live in a residential area. There are lot of houses but no offices or shops.
I live on the second floor. There are two floors below me.

Parts of a house

attic, balcony, entrance, fence, chimney, garage, garden, gate, path, patio, roof, steps, terrace, wall, seller,


bathroom – washbasin, shower, towel, bath towel, dental floss,
washroom – clothes-line, washing-machine, drier (dryer), chest of drawers,
kitchen – sink, dishwasher, fridge, freezer, oven, kitchen unit, food
living room – coffee table, armchair, couch, sofa, taboret,
bedroom – bedside table, mirror,
dinning room – dresser, table, chair,
foyer – shoe rack, door, handle, eyelet, veiling, doormat, window-blind,

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Vztažné věty – Relative clauses

Autor , dne 26. 8. 2009, v kategorii Angličtina

Vztažné (přívlastkové) věty jsou vedlejší věty, které rozvíjí podstatné jméno.

Věty s who/which/that

Who používáme když mluvíme o lidech (ne o věcech).
Which nebo that používáme, když mluvíme věcech.
The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
Where is the cheese which was in the fridge?

Věty s whose/whom/where

Whose (jejichž, jehož) se používá místo his/her/their.
We saw some people whose car had broken down.
I met a man whose wife is a doctor.
Whom je možné použít místo who.
The woman whom I wanted to see.
Where se používá, když mluvíme o místě.
The hotel where we stayed wasn’t very clean.

Určující vztažné věty

Blíže určují podstatné jméno, bez určujíci vztažné věty nedává věta smysl.
Mezi věty se nedává čárka. Who/which/that můžu vynechat.
The writer who wrote Red Dwarf is my favourite author.
(The writer is my favourite author – to nedává smysl!)

Neurčující vztažné věty

Dávají extra informace, je možné je vynechat úplně.
Mezi věty se dává čárky. Who/which nemůžu vynechat, that nemůžu vůbec použít
Rob Grant, who wrote Red Dwarf, is my favourite author.

Ještě dopsat něco whose o where pro určující a neurčující vztažné věty

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Autor , dne 13. 8. 2009, v kategorii Angličtina

General Adjectives
smart, elegant, attractive, beautiful, good-looking, handsome, plain, pretty, ugly

Height and build
tall, thin, slim [positive], skinny [rather negative], fat, short, overweight, well built

Fat may sound impolite. Instead we often say a bit overweight.

Hair, face, skin and complexion
bald, beard, blonde, curly, chubby, dark, dark-skinned, fair, freckles, fringe, gray, long, moustache, ponytail, short, shoulder-lenght, straight hair, wavy, wrinkles

Fair and dark can be used for hair, complexion or skin.

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Autor , dne 14. 7. 2009, v kategorii Angličtina

Meal, Meat, Bread, Butter, Pot, Pan, Saucepan, Oven, Bowl, Carrot, Parsley, Sausages, Pea, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Cabbage, Radish, Leek, Mushrooms, Onion, Garlic, Ham, Beef, Pork, Poultry, Lamb, Strawberry, Gooseberry, Cranberry, Cherry, Morrello, Lemon, Aubergine, Pineapple, Potatoes, Blackcurrant, Redcurrant, Beetroot, Knife, Fork, Spoon, Plate, Napkin, Salt and Pepper

a dozen of eggs, a slice of bread, a pint of bear, a loaf of bread, a packet of crisps, a piece of cake, a cup/mug of tea, a glass of milk, a jar of jam

cut, peel, squeeze, bake, boil, chop, fry, grill, roast, slice, steam

fresh, frozen, home-made, low-fat, raw, spicy, sweet, takeaway,

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